We are Tons2Kilos

Bridging Gaps, Ensuring Freshness, Every Step of the Way.

Bootstrapped in 2023, the Tons2Kilos team is on a mission to address the concerns that the food supply chain management in India endures today. With our roots firmly grounded in the farmer’s lineage, our experiential wisdom gives us the benefit of accessibility to real time issues that can arise within the logistical maps of the food industry.

Passionate about creating a sustainable ecosystem that incorporates big data, we have equipped ourselves with advanced technological tools, a sharp acumen, and a relevant network to tackle the numerous hurdles that farmers, businesses, and consumers face. The absence of systems that can tactfully overlook the operational intricacies in the food industry leads to an unreasonable hike in prices and food wastage; a concern that affects all of us alike and a one that we have concerned ourselves with fixing.

In the highly competent world we live in today, the retail and HoReCa markets are key players and we achieve to offer meticulously structured solutions within its web by working with farmers to procure fresh produce at the right time and at a fair price. lEnabling wholesalers, retailers, and commercial kitchens to invest into high quality farm-fresh produce which will be delivered to their doorstep.

Compensating farmers who work hard all year long, ensuring that we facilitate an overall decrease in wastage, and encouraging the consumption of fresh and nutrition rich food are the promises we drive ourselves to live up to.

A Commitment to Freshness: Tons2Kilos, Shaping the Future of Food Chains.

Get in Touch


Ravinder Peetlla

Founder & CEO

Mahesh Kumar

Co-founder & Marketing Head

Anand Kumar

Co-founder & COO